Christmas in July!

Ahhh Christmas 2019… you truly were a simpler time.

So I realised when organising my files that I never actually uploaded any of the Christmas Minis 2019 photos to my website! I’m assuming this was because I was 6 and a half months pregnant, very exhausted and large and the second I got done with the editing I was DONE with photography until little man was born. Either way this seems like a crime considering how cute the set up and photos turned out!

Here is a selection of my favourites of Miss Bean and as you can tell she had an absolute blast and was a super star for the shoot. Those little jammies and elf ears give me all the festive feels, even if it is 40 degrees outside right now.

We had lots of families participate but I will speak with them before sharing any of their photos.

Christmas Minis 2019 were taken in November 2019 to allow time for editing and for families to get their Christmas Cards made. Enjoy a taste of Christmas in July!