Noly at 5 months

Little Noly turns 5 months old early next week, but since we were out on a family park trip and I had my husbands help with him and my toddler, I took advantage, grabbed my Canon and decided to take a few quick pics of him enjoying the grass. Nolan is such a happy little chap, he knows what he likes and he will make it very known the minute he starts to get tired, but he’s a great sleeper so that’s ok by me. This little smiler is so strong, he has been working on his sitting since he turned 4 months old, starting with the froggy sit, and now all of a sudden is able to sit up straight, grab toys and bring them to him to play and chew, and catch himself from all angles - the only thing is he is trying to master how to get out of the sit, so we still have to make sure he doesn’t take a fast tumble and land on his sweet little face. Some of his favourite things include Baby Beluga by Raffi, If you’re happy and you know it, chewing anything chewable including my fingers, dancing with Mummy, playing games with Daddy, and endlessly watching his sister and learning from her. Kaylee is Nolan’s whole world, quite literally since the poor guy doesn’t get to go out very much and see many other humans right now, at least not close up… but she takes her big sis role very seriously and dotes on him. The two of them have such a special relationship - it’s magical to behold.